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To ensure accuracy and precision when pipetting small volumes, proper technique and equipment use are essential. The following are recommended procedures for pipetting tiny volumes:

Use the correct pipette: Select a pipette made especially for pipetting tiny amounts of liquid. Compared to pipettes made for higher volumes, these pipettes have finer graduations and smaller plunger sizes.

Use low-retention pipette tips: When pipetting small volumes, it is important to minimize liquid retention, which is why low-retention pipette tips are specially designed to do just that. Usually composed of a different kind of polypropylene, these tips are lubricated with silicone to lower surface tension and keep liquid from sticking to the inside of the tip.

Pre-wet the pipette tip: Reduce liquid retention and increase accuracy by pre-wetting the pipette tip with a small amount of the liquid you plan to pipette. This is particularly crucial for liquids that are sticky or viscous.

Use a slow pipetting speed: When dispensing small volumes, use the pipette slowly. This will lessen the possibility of air bubbles forming by allowing the liquid more time to flow into and out of the tip.

Pause before dispensing: As you aspirate the liquid, give it a brief moment of rest before dispensing. This will guarantee that you are dispensing the right amount by allowing the liquid to settle in the tip.

Dispense at an angle: One should dispense the liquid at a 45-degree angle to the vessel's surface. By doing this, you can lessen the chance that the liquid will drip or fall off the side of the container.

Touch the pipette tip to the side of the vessel: To eliminate any leftover liquid, touch the pipette tip to the vessel's side after dispensing the liquid. By doing this, you can be sure that the right amount is being dispensed.

Change pipette tips frequently: Often replace pipette tips, particularly when pipetting small volumes. This is due to the possibility that minute liquid particles may stick to the inside of the tip, impairing the precision of later pipetting.

Calibrate your pipette: Make sure your pipette is dispensing the right amount of liquid by calibrating it on a regular basis. This is particularly crucial for pipetting tiny volumes.

Practice proper technique: Use the right pipetting technique to guarantee accurate and consistent outcomes. This entails using a proper pipette grip, applying constant pressure to the plunger, and avoiding jerky motions.

You can increase the precision and accuracy of pipetting small volumes by adhering to these best practices, which will guarantee consistent and repeatable outcomes in your laboratory tests. For more information, please click:
Topics: pipette tip
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