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There has been a new update applied to the game of NBA 2K22, and this time it has to do with the dribbling mechanics of smaller guards. What are you thinking? Didn't they just perform an update, we know what you're thinking. They did, in fact.

However, this is an update to change that update and revert it back to a state that is more similar to the original; however, why is this happening? That's exactly what we're going to talk about right now. To begin, let us discuss the most recent change to the dribbling speed in NBA 2K22.

The Dribbling Speed in NBA 2K22 Has Changed

Following a recent rework of the dribbling speed in NBA 2K22, which can be found here, the 2K Devs have determined that it is best to restore it to its original state.

Despite the fact that those were not the exact words used, it was stated that a minor increase in dribble movement speeds was included in this morning's update. The smallest guards will be the most affected.

The strangest thing about this is how quickly it was changed; the original update hadn't even been released for more than a week before it was changed. So, what was the driving force behind NBA 2K22's decision to make this change?

It's a good day for playmaking shot creators.

When this news broke, it brought a lot of joy to a very popular build in NBA 2K22, and it is possible that this was the catalyst for the decision to change. The Playmaking Shot Creators, also known as Playshots, are overjoyed by this development.

Why? Because most Playshots have a habit of dribbling lateral or left-right and then sprinting past their opponents to gain an advantage. When combined with a few good Shooting badges, it becomes a nightmare to defeat.

When the dribble speed in NBA 2K22 was reduced, the Playmaking Shot Creators were dissatisfied because they were penalized for using a glitch. However, they are now free to use the glitch once more.

After this, the 2K Devs will have to deal with players on the other side who are upset that they will have to deal with this all over again despite the fact that it was only recently nerfed.
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