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The Path of Exile will receive its 3.9.2e update this week, which will improve the quality of life for players and fix some errors.

Casually, we are getting closer and closer to 4.0

If there is one thing we can't blame is Grinding Gear Games, it is an exemplary follow-up to its slash "MMO" slash banishment path. The New Zealand studio is already preparing for the next update, which will please more people.

This week, we prepared a new patch, made new improvements to the Path of Exile, and fixed some bugs. We plan to launch the 3.9.2e update in the next few days. In the meantime, you can view the release notes in this article. You can also Buy POE Currency on the website, which will greatly help your entire gaming experience.

There is no longer any problem of getting stuck in the cages of the zoo or the railings that resist our fire, which will not cause any damage. Besides, GGG took this opportunity to bring us some small improvements on the quality of life of players. Spheres are now listed alphabetically when placed in public safety, and players will be notified when they have completed the wake target. It also includes other improvements related to Atlas. Well, the error message has been updated.

Updated various error messages to indicate that projects with catalyst quality or new impact types cannot be split using Bestiary recipes. Thankfully, the client crash issue has been resolved. This crash usually occurs when a Frost Bomb is applied.

The Path of Exile is available on PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One. At the same time, provides service support for all players on the Path of Exile. Buy POE Currency to support the orderly development of the Path of Exile.
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