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Throughout the alpha, players from across the world joined in to fight alongside Dark And Darker Gold and against each other in a search for loot and to become champions. Here’s all the information you need about the next Dark and Darker playtest. Next Dark and Darker playtest start date.

The next Dark and Darker playtest is scheduled to begin during the Steam Nextfest, IRONMACE announced via the company’s official Twitter and a post on Steam. The February Nextfest is set to run from Feb. 6 to 13, according to Steam’s Nextfest Sale page, which likely means nearly another full week that players will be able to enjoy the alpha test of the game.

Something interesting that the developer points out in its Steam blog post is the claim that Dark and Darker had over a million testers during the December playtest. IRONMACE said it will use the data gathered from this test to ensure that the next playtest has improved features, while also resolving some issues that were noticed during this one.

What time will the next Dark and Darker playtest start? A week ahead of the buy Dark And Darker Gold February playtest, IRONMACE put out a blog post on the Dark and Darker Steam page and social media. According to this announcement, players in the U.S. can expect the playtest to begin at 6am CT, allowing players in America to hop into the game early on that Monday if they want to.
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