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There were mini wars, these would be planned but occasionally they'd be spontaneous. Once you realise it was an opposing clan you have struck, when you died you'd gear up and return to RuneScape gold the fight immediately as a matter of pride. The war would go on till onbe sides members determined they'd dropped enough, along with the Victor would have a great deal of spoils.

Anarchy had a 200 strong memberlist at the moment, and was lead by Chronic24 and Ambersky. Chronic was a dick but ambersky was fantastic fun.Damage Inc were always number 1, thats anyone lvl 126 just went to perform the remainder of the match before quitting tbh. After 126, all that was left was pking, and boy was it the ideal part of Runescape.I spent 99% of my Clan life with Anarchy. I wasn't hungry for fame, I liked the folks around me when I had been enjoying, and I played other games together after Runescape, (counterstrike source) I had been kicked out after for signing in their forum via a proxy. This gave me another ip and alerted the chief I had given my accounts to an opposing Clan to spy on them. This premise was completely incorrect.

I moved to join a new clan following this, one with large numbers and high levels, but it wasn't wonderful. The people that were greedy and callous, banding together to just make a quick buck at the wilderness. Nothing like the community I'd in anarchy where you could sit and talk for hours with buy rs 3 gold any of those membersn about nothing. So my passion for the game began waning until it eventually faded and so ended the tale of Destroyer709.Also I realised that I never talked about duel arena. I never had any success in the stadium, but there was a massive duel arena community too I hope someone speaks about this.
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