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"This game is very important to NBA 2K MT the community and there are many people within the community. So it's about making sure that our players are really satisfied. Of course, this encompasses the NBA players that play in our games as well as the celebrity athletes," Singh said. "So today I'm sending lots of codes to people. I've sent games to Travis, PG, and some of the people that I'm extremely good friends with.

The cultural significance that this game brings, launches day gets bigger. It's to be honest quite overwhelming, but also very thrilling. "As the spokesperson for NBA2K, Singh has an extremely significant role to play in growing the popularity of the sport. In addition to facilitating the involvement of famous athletes and celebrities to personal interaction with the wider community, Singh understands the massive responsibility that he has.

"I think I'm like the funnel with regards to the masses of people. I've maintained relationships with each bigger person who plays our game, but also our community, our players base depends on being up-to-date with what's happening," Singh said. "Our game has evolved beyond just drop it and leave it. The game is updated every six weeks, significant ones with new music, fresh information in the game New MyTeam cards, as Buy NBA 2K MT well as new clothing apparel, every six weeks.
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