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Which was exactly my point about high alching, you'll never find an item with good margins that lasts for over 24 hrs since players will always buy out the supply until the prices are no more RuneScape gold profitable, because high alching pushes the market for items that would usually be worthless and prevents them from bottoming out just like a dead inventory would in real life. High alching provides an artificial need to seemingly useless things thus keeping older content related and making the rs economy as a whole lot different and diverse compared to other mmos, where most mmos are equipment treadmills where things will eventually become worthless and completely irrelevant in time because of power creep and the market inflation which follows.

" and within days it"s costs dropped when players realized it was a pointless item...""And it was STILL a shit way to generate gold when it had been inside"s high phase of 4k per".Way to nullify your statement with your own words. You say it is high phase was 4k and it immediately dropped in a couple of days yet it has been out for a year and a half and it's sitting in 3.8k at the moment. It marketed and was 7k for more when it published. You are just typing to be heard now. Which is why you distance out every sentence, so your thoughts are currently filling your whole screen. "Know what merchers do on RS when they keep track of historical highs and lows? Know exactly what they"re searching for?" Yes actually, I do.

They are searching for favorable margins if they are short term switching, and they are searching for items which will raise significantly over time if they are long term flippers. New content arrives, they could do it because of being spat out, and it is abused by them until prices drop to cheap RS gold the point where it's not worth their time.
Topics: buy OSRS gold
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