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World of Warcraft is a game that has been around for a long time and its history has grown tremendously from its Vanilla times all the way to present. "Vanilla" World of Warcraft or, as it's known in its currently playable form, WoW: Classic, is a version of the game wherein players get to experience it the way it was when it first came out in 2004 as well as the Two years of additional content that followed prior to the first major expansion, The Burning Crusade. Although the game's first few years did not have an overarching central theme or climax, there were many exceptional lore moments that players could participate in WOW WoTLK Classic Gold.

World of Warcraft's first release continued the storyline of the universe where it had left off following warcraft 3 RTS game Warcraft 3. Warcraft 3: The Burning Legion used the Scourge to cause chaos across the globe, making room for them to take over Azeroth in what's known as the Third War. The trolls and the orcs made their way to Kalimdor to find their new home away from persecution, where they quickly made friends with the tauren.

The Alliance began to move ahead, guided by Jaina Proudmoore who had been directed to sail west by Medivh. The final Guardian had arranged that Horde and Alliance were both in Kalimdor to aid the night the elves defend their World Tree, Nordrassil (similar to Teldrassil the tree that was burned down during the battle of Sylvanas Windrunner as part of Battle for Azeroth), from the Legion. Although there was much infighting between the two sides the people of Azeroth succeeded in protecting their home.

World of Warcraft's initial release continued the universe's story starting from the point following its predecessor RTS games, Warcraft 3. The Burning Legion used the Scourge to cause chaos across the world, and opened the way for them to take over Azeroth in what's known as The Third War. Orcs and trolls ventured to Kalimdor to seek out a new refuge from persecution, which is where they soon made friends with the tauren.

Onyxia stoked the unrest of the Stonemasons , who had built Stormwind following during the First War and had not yet been paid for their efforts. The ensuing riots cost the existence of queen Tiffin Wrynn and the Stonemasons were banished. They were furious, and they formed the Defias Brotherhood which was led by Edwin VanCleef. Onyxia orchestrated the kidnapping of King Varian Wrynn. She also had a hand in manipulating the regent who was acting as a stand-in, Bolvar Fordragon. This allowed them to take full control of the Alliance. The player was eventually exposed and ended up killing Edwin VanCleef, restoring security to Stormwind until Varian's return.

The Horde was not the only threat facing the Alliance during the events from World of Warcraft: Classic. The Broodmother, the daughter of the Deathwing, Onyxia, was able to cause the most discord and turmoil in the mortal race and the mortal races as she can. The dragons of World of Warcraft have the ability to assume a much smaller, bipedal version that they choose to take whenever they want, and Onyxia assumed the form of Lady Katrana Prestor, a character she used to disrupt powers of the political in Stormwind The capital of the Alliance. Alliance capital.

The Alliance continued to follow, led by Jaina Proudmoore. The latter had been given the order to sail west from Medivh with buy WoTLK Gold. The final Guardian made sure that the Horde and Alliance were in Kalimdor to assist the night elves protect the World Tree, Nordrassil (similar to the Teldrassil Tree that was burnt down in the Battle for Azeroth by Sylvanas Windrunner in Battle for Azeroth), from the Legion. Although there was conflict throughout the process, the denizens of Azeroth achieved their goal of protecting their home.
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