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I am wondering when The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold gets any better at any point. So far it's just boring. Of is that it looks terrific. However, The Elder Scrolls Blades play is a complete snore - and there is nothing which makes me wish to continue enjoying The Elder Scrolls Blades. I really don't care about town or rebuilding it - that's boring. The dungeons are all - that you start noticing after 2-3 dungeons. The combat is terrible. The character leveling options aren't interesting in any manner whatsoever.I'm just fighting to see how anybody designing The Elder Scrolls Blades really thought it was worth putting out. I'm level 8 and have little interest in continuing to perform with it. I really don't see how it could, however, unless they alter the game functions, suddenly.

I'm a gamer that began in the 80's and it's sad to find that the direction gaming is moving. The gaming community appears to becoming increasingly more inpatient and searching for fast satisfaction by gambling real money on this type of stuff. Actual money for shortcuts. Purchasing equipment that you're supposed to work for in game.Not attempting to become a hater, but here's some feedback: loot boxes are the bane of this gaming industry. They are loathed by people and also the fact you're currently expressing joy from a glorified gambling process is extremely off-putting. Imagine if a child is seeing this and doesn't know any better so then spends hundreds of dollars on the program because he/she saw just how much pleasure you got from it. Your description makes it seem like you are interested in an open conversation on the monetization - which is fine and commendable.

Nonetheless, your response to the rewards that are loot-box is just praising this monetization system. Especially once you consider the fact you invested $100 only to unlocked leather, steel and iron equipment instead of Ebony, Glass or Daedric - there really is no reason for you to be excited over such non-toxic materials. As a content creator, it's important for you to call out a monetization system the moment it appears unethical as what seems to be the situation with The Elder Scrolls Blades. (Of course, I haven't played it myself, so I do not know everything about it - i.e. how often can we earn chests for playing?) Ruder people in ESO Boosting this comment section are unfair in their outrage), but I hope that you learn and enhance.
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