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Decrease Fallout 76 Caps sensitivity - This may sound like a weird one, but you are almost certainly playing with a greater mouse sensitivity than you should be. Most experts use around 400 dpi for their mouse sensitivity, with all the in-game sensitivity slider set to around 2.0. You don't have to replicate them exactly, but something near there's certainly preferable. It will feel weird when you turn it down. Your goal will improve immensely in the long term.

Know your map callouts - Every spot of every competitive map will have names which the community uses to informs you over voice comms an enemy is not there. Normally these are obtuse terms that will not mean anything unless you know them - things such as "generator" or "jungle" or "catwalk". It takes time to learn all the different callouts for all of the different maps, but this information is essential for communication with your staff.

Discover how Fallout 76 Caps for Sale market works - Some of the main things that makes Fallout 76 visually intriguing is how money works. In the end of every round, win or lose, you'll find some cash; the winners, obviously, get substantially more cash. Ensuring everyone on your team has sufficient money to be suitably equipped at the beginning of each round is a crucial part of success in competitive matches, and sometimes that means saving all of your money and attempting to fight the enemy with pistols to get a round, so that the next round everybody has money to gear up correctly. Do not be the guy who purchases throughout the round when everybody else is not saving!
Topics: Fallout 76 Caps
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