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The impacts of the dastardly economic imperialism from RS gold the capitalist running dogs at Jagex were catastrophic to Server 32's employees' state. Items which had sold for billions of pieces were impossible to trade--and the market imploded since the economy had been set by General Secretary Redsteel136's economy reforms on these items.

In October, the market bottomed out at its low. Nevertheless, the Greek party continued to hold out, hoping that the tradeable cost of items that were high-level would grow high enough to allow for an recovery. This was not to be. From the grasp of overall market collapse, the communists were incapable of extracting enough tax revenue to meet with the clan fees required for them to preserve power. As the sun set over the last few days of December 2008, after a year of working class rule, the party was dissolved by General Secretary Redsteel136 and returned power.

RuneScape's first experiment in socialism ended at the recovery of capitalist domination. This should not, however, be taken that capitalism is inevitable or uncontestable. The fervour with which the proletariat of Server 32 ganked and teabagged their solution demonstrates clearly the objective conditions for communism in RuneScape may and do exist. Similarly, while General Secretary Redsteel136′s ascent to power came through backroom politicking and anti-democratic plots, his policies towards Karamjan national liberation were progressive and internationalist. The catastrophe which snuffed out the flame of socialism was the result of a joint attack by a capitalist foe.

RuneScape's Greek revolution was defeated a decade ago.

The struggles we face, at the workplace and in the household computer space, result from the inner contradictions of the capitalist world system. We are needed by the rich, in order to exploit us. With nobody capitalism couldn't exist. But we don't need the wealthy. There is not any reason we can't violate the mithril chains of cheap RuneScape gold exploitation, come together as workers, and share in common that the sweet loot of our labour.
Topics: OSRS gold
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