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Another slots are somewhat more confusing, and mostly come down to whether you want to use one or two bows. If youdon't mind weapon swapping between target and AoE and're like me, use two bows. It'll result at the expense of a bit of clunkiness and some cash in greater life totals and greater damage. If you decide to go this route, I strongly propose that a +3 to gems bow as your own AoE installation, and also a Chin Sol as your goal setup. If you do this you will probably need to wear a Kaom's Heart in case your build can support the strength condition. It gives everything we want, harm and life.

In case you decide to go buy poe currency with only 1 bow, you've got two options.

Your last choice is a bit odd, but lets you do some interesting setups. Instead of using a 6L body or two bows, Frostferno can be used by you. It provides +2 to Fire and Cold gems, and Elemental Hit counts as all elements, so it gets +4 to level, which is its main source of damage. Frostferno also has level 30 Cold into Fire built in, so in the event that you go this course you'd probably place your single target on your Frostferno, put a Cold into Fire gem into your AoE setup, and eliminate your Pyre ring in favor of a ring using much higher stats.

Since people strongly dislike swapping bows this specific variant is very popular right now. If you proceed the bow approach, I'd recommend Chin Sol as a bow that is strong and cheap.

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