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NBA 2K20 announced that William Floyd has been added to the list. It seems that this is only new, but it is not limited to this. 15-year-old Floyd was the first non-NBA player to join the game as a playable character. Because Floyd has a rare genetic disease that can cause severe muscle weakness and heart problems, it was achieved through the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

At 18 months old, William was diagnosed with the disease. As a result, he was banned from participating in any sport, let alone basketball. But even at the virtual level, NBA 2K20 still makes him competitive. So when the Wishing Foundation came in contact with Freud, he desired to be able to visit the NBA 2K headquarters in California. Although he was ready for a truly memorable tour, the NBA 2K team took it a step further. They professionally scanned his portrait to add him as a playable roster member in the game, making him a portal for millions of gamers. It is currently unclear whether players need to Buy NBA 2K20 MT to unlock this special character, and specific requirements.

Indeed, when Freud arrived at the studio, he received the same treatment as the NBA star. He captured his motion with 140 motion capture cameras in 2K Motion Capture Studio. His portrait was then reproduced with a Pixelgun camera, bringing his model to life. He also managed to talk to different teams participating in the NBA 2K and provided some advice for the game.

In the press release, Ronnie Singh shared on 2K that everyone was excited when they heard Floyd's wishes. They understood his personal story and hoped that there would be a way to not only fulfill his wish, but to do it to the greatest possible extent. Singh went on to say that "2K" is nothing better than bringing his passion into the game and giving millions of NBA 2K fans around the world away to enjoy the William player model. "

Floyd himself revealed that when it comes to players, they had their moves before entering the court, and he was "unwilling to create" his moves.

William's mother, Julie, said they never expected that 2K would take aspirations to the next level. She shared that they were treated like the royal family and were very interested in everything William had to offer them. This is simply incredible. " 2K is very good in this respect. If you want to be able to experience better games, then you are advised to Buy NBA 2K20 MT
, which will be of great help to you.
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