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Topic: POE Exalted Orb


Like most other things in the game world, the continued development of the path of exile has also been affected by the coronavirus and may cause delays in its next expansion. Nevertheless, this does not affect the popularity of POE Currency in the game. In the past few years, "Path of Exile" has established a stable release schedule due to its frequent updates and expansions. The update of the Path of Exile takes unexpected circumstances and force majeure factors in case of any form of delay. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic can certainly meet both of these conditions. Although it is still expected that the 3.11 expansion will be released in June, it may ultimately be impossible to determine the expected release date. Let’s take a look at Monday’s statement on the path of exile (developer’s statement): Many of you already know that we have completed 8 of the 13 development cycles from home, which wastes a lot of time in face-to-face and teamwork. Our team works hard to quickly adapt to the new working paradigm, but there are some difficulties in working in this way, which slows down development. Therefore, we have internally postponed the release of the extension from the original release date by one week. It is very important for us that we will release high-quality extensions in June. If we feel that we need to add another one to two weeks, then we will spend some time to do so. Despite our efforts to achieve this goal within the normal 13-week schedule, development has indeed not been as usual in the past few months. We currently plan to announce the 3.11 expansion at 2 pm on June 2 approximately two weeks from now. This means that we are working hard to set the PC release date to June 19 and the console release date to June 24. However, it is very important to note that this release is likely to be further delayed compared to any expansion in the past. The prevalence of coronavirus makes it difficult to accurately predict the specific release date of the alliance, and there is a possibility of a week delay. Grinding Gear pointed out that, given the current state of the world and the latest news in all industries, the release is as transparent as possible. Although they did not mention anything in "Path of Exile 2", it is reasonable to believe that the development of the sequel to "Dungeon" has also been greatly impacted. We will report all new information. "Path of Exile" 3.11 expansion is not yet clear. It is tentatively scheduled for release on June 19. At the same time, "Path of Exile: Delusion" has a strong momentum on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is reassuring that the trend of POE Trade On PS4 will not be affected....

“Path Of Exile” is a popular MMORPG that is highly consistent with current game trends and provides players with clear game goals. Since 2013, it has developed many versions, including the latest version, Delirium expansion, and the layout of different storylines and modes, allowing players to customize the characters in the game and complete various levels of challenges without leaving the host framework The game itself. The current POE challenge alliance is Delirium, which started on New Zealand local time on March 14, 2020 and lasted about three months. It is now at the end of the league, and I believe that most players have completed the basic tasks and built a reasonable passive skill tree. In the game, players can get POE Currency through many methods, but human energy is limited, and those currencies got through farming are very common and cannot be used to make advanced crafts. With this in mind, you need to use each POE currency appropriately when playing games and maximize their use. As we all know, all exiles, including beginners, may fall from monsters or treasure chests, because everyone knows these methods, so it is impossible to provide you with unique or valuable POE items. Although players can only get a limited amount of money, there are still many ways. In the prior days of POE, beginners have many opportunities to get basic POE items, which is the best way for them to upgrade quickly. Many people are accustomed to packing all items in bags, but this is not recommended, because as the game progresses, you will have more opportunities to buy them, and once your back pack is full, it cannot accommodate other items. You can send some useless items to the auction house, so you can exchange for more items you need in the transaction, or sell it to other old players who need them to earn extra profits. We must obtain all POE currency through hard work. This is very common in the game. You need to gradually complete each challenge, especially in the later stage of the game. The upgrade of each level is a long process, which requires you to have enough Patience. To be honest, many players choose the reliable store to buy POE PS4 Currency. For those who purchase these services, this can really improve the game efficiency and enhance the competitiveness and strength of the game characters. Assuming that you always complete the league challenge faster and better than others, wouldn't it bother us? For making POE currency, it is a time-consuming and energy-consuming process. Completing the “Path Of Exile” challenge is also a long process. You can fight alone, give full play to your strength, or fight side by side with your friends, which can help you a lot. In “Path Of Exile”, people believe that long-term persistence can bring stable income, we obtain POE currency from every small challenge and pursuit....

The Chinese version of the popular action RPG Exile Path (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is slightly different from the international version. At the same time, there is a general call for the introduction of some international version features. Why is the Chinese version of POE different? The path of exile is very popular, it is growing, and its POE Currency trading system is the core of the entire game. But there are some so-called quality of life features in the Chinese version, but not in the international version. From the basic situation, there are certain advantages, but there are also some shortcomings. The quality of life features in the Chinese version include: death records, dominant videos, pets that help you pick up stolen goods, auction houses, and planning paths in advance. However, there is also a controversy in the Chinese version of "Path of Exile". Although players can trade with each other through the trading system, this is not free, which is not friendly to players. How do players view the difference? Especially the quality of life function is something that a few players want to see in other versions of "Path of Exile". Thor_Thanos wrote: "Oh, this is really good, it looks cool! It is very helpful for beginners like me. I think I will fall in love with this game soon" Shimaran wanted to explain the reason for the difference: "You know, we are completely different from the Chinese game market, so there should be different versions. We are the developers of the game. I think these things are achieved because With these changes, the game will not improve. " pfSonata feels that these changes are meaningless: "The quality of life is usually just a euphemism, just to make the game easier. Obviously, after this change, it is more suitable for Chinese players. They like more horrible, with lottery links. Games. Reddit does not understand their expectations of games. " Andreas Bertits said: These features are easier for POE for beginners, they can quickly master the game. This is more attractive to newbies, and will make newbies excited about hackers' attacks and killings, but hardcore fans who like the "Path of Exile" difficulty may not like it, they need greater challenges! The developer studio stated that in order to avoid angering the target group of the game, the international version of these features will not be easily changed. Such adjustments should be made with caution. Path of Exile is one of the 15 best games you can currently play. It has always been warmly sought after by the majority of players, and the interesting trading system allows you to experience different gameplay and more comprehensive understanding of the game. If you are worried about spending too much money, then Chaos Orb on the POECurrency website can dispel your concerns. Come and experience it!...

Whether you are being quarantined at home or isolated, or risking the current Covid-19 epidemic to become an essential worker, you can find that the world is now bleak. Thankfully, video games can provide us with some fun that is different from reality, and the booming F2P (free game) market allows you to enjoy games for free. The three best F2P games are summarized below. If you have an Xbox One console, you can download or play it online. Covers various styles of genres, so that each game player with different interests can find what they like. Isometric RPG can be played alone or with friends. It ’s fun, and thanks to Grinding Gear Games ’prestigious F2P title“ Path of Exile ”, fans of this type can freely crack, hack and plunder their inner world. Upfront costs associated with alternatives such as "Destroyer 3" or "Torch Light 2". Since its launch in 2013, "Path of Exile" has updated a lot of new content over the years, which means that the game was already in a pretty good state when it was launched on the Xbox One port in 2017. It will undoubtedly be scary for brand new players, especially when they play the game themselves. However, this also means that new players can invest as much time as possible in their favorite games without having to worry about being bored. One of the most topical is the POE Currency. The powerful skills it brings bring players a beautiful experience. Vigor is a unique "miniature survival" F2P competitive shooting game, currently only Xbox One (although developer Bohemia Interactive is also developing a Nintendo Switch version). Last year, we played the game "Vitality" for ourselves, and its risk / reward dynamics centered on PvP were impressive. Players searched for resource maps and chose whether they wanted to escape early or stay and later in the game. Airdrop and adventurous. Although Vigor is not the most perfect game now, and relies on mechanisms such as timers and complex resource management, Vigor is full of mobile games. However, its monetization method is also fair. Players can use real money or buy Buy POE Currency. Shooting fans who do n’t mind playing games with rough edges should definitely try Vigor, especially when trying to surpass the quiet tension of other players sounds appealing to them. Love it or hate it, Fortnite and its accompanying battle royale mode is still the biggest force in the F2P field, for good reason. Developer Epic Games has improved Fortnite's 100 player battle royale experience through continuous updates, map changes, seasonal themes, and feature-rich map change events (which you can witness) in the past few years. In short, Epic has been taking full advantage of Fortnite ’s large in-game purchases. Fortnite's cartoon art may not appeal to everyone, but it still correctly earned the position of one of the most extensive and compelling F2P games ever. It also supports full cross-expansion between all available versions, which means that even if you start playing on Xbox One and then migrate to another platform (or vice versa), you will retain all progress and unlock the income earned....

If you lose your game time because you are busy, you are wrong. Mobile games are on the rise, and there are many impressive different types of games worth looking forward to. If you are a big fan of MMORPG, but don’t have enough time to study, you can join immediately, because many MMORPGs are developing in the mobile field, and one of them is the path of exile. "Path of Exile" is one of my favorite MMORPGs, it has very interesting knowledge and super dark and awesome atmosphere. POE Currency plays an irreplaceable role in the game. The mobile version of the game is very similar to the PC version, but the developers have adjusted the game to allow the use of mobile controls. In addition, the map is usually small to accommodate mobile players who travel frequently. Even better, the game is free, which allows players to have fun without spending money. For years, fans have been asking Riot Games for a mobile version of League of Legends, and now their wish has come true. The game is named League of Legends: The Wild Fissure, bringing the most popular MOBA to the mobile world, and has their favorite championships and abilities. There are some differences between the PC version and the mobile version of the game. One of them is that not all champions will be available at launch. In addition to this, games on mobile phones are much shorter than those on PCs: each game will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Some champions ’abilities have also been changed to accommodate mobile controls. For example, Anne ’s Q is a skill shot rather than a click mechanism, Lectra ’s ultimate goal is the global ultimate goal, and so on. If you like pet breeding, this game is for you. Becoming Byte allows you to raise a cute little pet named Byte. You can feed, play, and let it participate in the battle. When you upgrade, your Byte will be able to fight with cooler and stronger abilities, it can fight on its own. By entering abilities and special skills can make the battle faster. Buy POE Currency will let you fight more coolly and stronger in the game! We can expect the game to be officially launched at the end of April 2020....

Soon, the action RPG Path of Exile will receive patch 3.10.1f. This update will improve the deli and various skills, eliminate errors that affect Simulacra gameplay and performance, and eliminate errors that caused the region and client to crash. Although the company Grinding Gear Games is busy creating new add-ons for the action RPG Path of Exile, the team does not intend to abandon the main version of the game. Players can still buy POE Currency to help you as before. The developer will release update 3.10.1f this week, so now you can study the preliminary list of changes. Many card bosses in the immunization phase will begin to suspend the movement of suspending mist during immunization. Objects that cause enemies are triggered when you rush past them, and no longer damage the area. GGG will solve the problem that caused Simulacra's performance to decline. The violent bumps at the end will always turn the character's face in the direction of movement. Thriller's ghost will no longer use the ability to make a series of attacks quickly. The visibility of frozen soil will increase. Production allocation settings will start to apply immediately, not from the next zone. In addition, after defeating the target of the traitor, the mist of the deli will stop for ten seconds (previously only five seconds). The most important thing is that during the battle with Shavronn and Creator and the replacement of the video adapter, the game ’s customers and the area will no longer crash. Players who want to adapt to such an adapter faster can consider buying Path of Exile Currency, which can help you enjoy the game better....

In the new video produced by "Path to Exile 2", surprisingly down-to-earth Kamil Orman Janowski talked about how he wanted to change the sound of this new content. He wanted to raise it to a new height based on the same darkness and tenacity. In the video, he mixed folk elements, ethnic and tribal elements, and experimental elements to form his new voice, giving the audience a brand new listening experience. Buy POE Currency gives us a new feeling in "Path to Exile", you will easily win. He explained that his experimental sounds and industrial sounds were inspired by Trent Reznor's film creation, which is a good way to find inspiration. Janowski showed new areas of music in "Path to Exile 2", such as crypts and hunting grounds. He puts artwork and games on one screen to get creative inspiration, and then creates on another screen. He talked about the change in tone from using symphonic sounds to using more synthesizers and creating atmospheres for different environments and players. Generally speaking, Path of Exile 2 is a very cool video. The game of "Path of Exile" itself is also very cool. POE Currency will let you get more cool skills and let you devote yourself to the game! I like to watch the game's production process, especially when the game's composer sits down and talks about music. The music on the road to exile is also great. I look forward to hearing more good new tracks. In terms of gameplay, "Path to Exile 2" adds seven new characters to the new storyline. The final game is shared with the basic game, the game has been significantly updated, such as system, visual effects, classification, etc. have many changes. It is a free game that constantly throws free content to players. We don't know when this will hit PS4, but when it hits PS4, I will notify you....

The Delirium League, where the Path of Exile has arrived, looks incredible. This is the most important thing to know before expanding. The Path of Exile has announced a new league, most recently called Delirium. In the "Delirium" league, players will find nightmares and if you can surpass their challenging modifiers, you will be rewarded with amazing loot. Buy POE Currency to strengthen your character will help you get more rewards in the new version. Like most Path of Exile, leagues can introduce sophisticated mechanisms and systems for players to experiment in the next three months. In the case of this alliance, huge passive trees and project choices are expanded here, which adds depth and complexity to the game. To prepare for this huge alliance, you need to know 10 things about the upcoming Delirium Alliance on the Path of Exile. Although new alliances usually focus on making their mechanism as attractive as possible, developers on the Path of Exile have recently integrated past alliance mechanisms into newer ones, and Delerium is no exception. Delirium's sphere can do this through a map, but the actual Delirium mechanic itself has the opportunity to interweave old mechanics such as Breach's hands into your encounter. Legion troops from the "Legion" alliance may be affected by the fog, which makes them a terrible reformer in exchange for more loot than normal people. It may also affect the Alliance's exclusive areas, such as the "invasion" of the Alliance's Temple of Asoatl. Killing new enemies will bring new items. In addition to the new passive skill jewels, there are new unique and divination cards that keep the game interesting. It's not easy to get these new items, you can Buy Path of Exile Currency, which will make your new extension development more convenient. An example provided by the developer is a breastplate called Perfidy. This breastplate provides users with a typical health boost, but it also greatly improves Banner skills. Those wearing Perfidy can use two banners at a time, and each banner can increase the duration of its stimulating effect, such as adrenaline or boost. Projects like this can enable or enhance certain builds in The Path of Exile, adding value to the game's near-infinite replay....

The latest update to Grinding Gear's famous RPG Path of Exile adds a lot of new content. In the Delirium Challenge Alliance, players will encounter flashing illusions around the world, and when approaching these illusions, a flowing mist will be released. The mist is moving outwards, and if you can keep up with it, you will face terrible new enemies, which will provide generous rewards when defeated. The more difficult the challenge is, the more rewarding the player will be. If you want to challenge more difficulty, it is necessary to Buy POE Currency to arm your character. My job at Grinding Gear is usually to take a set of game mechanics and rewards and find a story or theme that can unify them. Delirium has always been one of the most interesting projects because this theme-indestructible, crazy madness-opens up many possibilities. As a visual representation of the Delirium effect, the flowing mist looks simply fantastic. It makes the world seem to change and obscures the ground so that you are not sure whether you have seen the huge and dazzling eyes emerging from the dust. In addition to the new monsters that emerged while traveling in the fog, the behavior of the monsters already there may also be ... different. "Different" means that they might tear in half, then a terrible entity appears and attack you, then retreat to the body of the original monster. Maybe you just imagined it. The Passive Tree of the Path of Exile is notorious for its size and complexity. A few years ago, we added jewelry that allowed players to customize passive trees. Delirium is adding new jewels that can be added not only to custom trees, but also to trees. Some of these jewels will even let you add more. Even those that may be extensible, with the addition of new Path of Exile Currency, you might even say that these choices are plentiful. Of course, the cooked food league doesn't happen in a vacuum. Like all our updates, Delirium contains new skills, projects, and countless other improvements and additions....

When the Path of Exile releases its next update, Delirium, it will make major changes to the Atlas of the World, especially the way Spawn Conquerors operate. The changes are based on player feedback that states that spawning has been too random since the release of the Atlas Conqueror series. These changes were detailed in a post on the Path of Exile forum, along with other noteworthy adjustments, such as reinstating one-sixth of a supplier recipe and changing the Awakening level rewards ( Including POE Currency, POE Orbs) and fine-tuned map layers. The r-ball can be used on the map to increase the difficulty and increase rewards. A maximum of five Orb can be used on a map. Currently, they have released Orb, which can provide more currencies, maps, fossils, essences, and unique items. It is unclear whether this is five or more. It's unclear whether you can meet Delirium naturally or only through the use of these spheres, but I must imagine that at least during the league there will be something naturally produced to introduce you to the mechanic. This mechanism represents an interesting step compared to the overcrowding in recent leagues, in which case it feels like there is too much content in a given map. This can make all your content more powerful and feel better, but without the need to add layers of click and participation, such as added syndicate systems or Metamorph. When the update arrives, players should find that the randomness generated is reduced to a certain degree. In the beginning, players will have to generate influence in an area, which will be random. After making an impact, a segmented bar will appear to inform players where they will encounter monsters and make progress. These two things don't always happen simultaneously. After completing all the parts, players can talk to Kiran and Zana in their hideout and open the portal to the conquerors. Delirium update will be released on the 13th of this month. If you want to get more information about this update before it is released, you are in luck. will bring you more content, if you want to Buy POE Currency to prepare for the new season, we can also meet your needs.

The Path of Exile is probably one of the best action role-playing game predators on the PC, no one else can. At first glance, this is a daunting statement, but when you look at the number of updates and the amount of content that players can use, it's clear that no other title can come close. Frankly, what Blizzard's forthcoming "Diablo 4" can't provide for players to explore becomes a candle to the Path of Exile. However, a large amount of content is accompanied by a large number of items falling, forcing players to look at these items and compare them with the items they hold and use. In the initial stage of the player, the player can find twenty items in each stage. which means that the player must decide what to carry for salvage, sale or equipment. Frankly, new players need to deal with a lot of things, and many are used to simply picking up everything on the floor. If novices do not Buy Path of Exile Currency, everyone will cherish their early booty. For this reason, the mechanism of the Path of Exile is called the Item Filter. They can completely ignore low-value packet loss, which is only a few fragments, and packet loss can play a role in later game content. The system is exceptionally robust, but the number of projects has grown exponentially since the filter was released. Even with third-party filters like the popular Neversink, you have to work hard to keep up with the amazing drop count. Grinding Gear Games has announced that they are working on improving the item filters and will release updates as soon as possible. Users will be able to highlight items with a specific socket type and socket link, which means that unless it goes bankrupt because it has the necessary links, you will never lose the opportunity to re-modify the modifier. It is very useful because the power of a character is usually defined by how many slots an item has so that skills can be stacked on top of each other. If you Buy POE Currency in a store like, then this is a huge boost for you. Finally, the new item filter can also show the number of broken implicit mods, ranging from zero to two. This allows players to see at a glance which weapons on the ground have been damaged, and many weapons require them. Frankly, this is a welcome update for many players distressed by loot fatigue, in which killing a senior boss is just the beginning of a deserter....

In the game in The Path of Exile, or rather, a walk on the river in Act Two, players will encounter the hunter Pinhal. This will launch an additional mission where you have to search for special beasts and then capture and use them to create unique items. Einhal himself then met at random or during his mission as Atlas. Each mission at Einhar requires you to capture 3 to 5 unique beasts at a given location. The beast is marked with a special icon (1) on the map. If you encounter challenges throughout the hunting process, then you can spend some cash to Buy Path of Exile Currency at to enhance your strength, which is very practical. The goal of these missions is to capture the opponent's health as 0. When this happens, Einhar will begin the process of capturing the beast, which will end in a few seconds. When the player catches all the beasts at the given location, Einhar will disappear. This character is associated with the location "manager." To use it for the first time, you need to find Einhar in any city, start a conversation and select Visit Manager (2). The next entry can be reached through the checkpoint and talking to Einar. In "Manager", you should be interested in Beastcrafting mechanics. This is a handicraft using previously captured beasts. So you can create unique items that you can't find in any other way. To begin the process, go to the northwestern end of the location and interact with the Blood Altar (3). In the newly opened window, find the recipe we were able to create (4), click on it and confirm the selection with the "Process" button (5). To make it easier to view recipes, you can use filtering (6) or hide all unavailable recipes (7). When the ship is activated, all creatures contained in the recipe will appear on the stage. You must defeat them. When all the beasts have been killed, the battle will end-if the monster manages to kill the character, the whole process will be interrupted and the monster will be released, so you will have to grab them again to try to create the item again. After the battle, interact with the altar again. In the window that opens, above the Craft button (8), a unique item will be created. Now, as long as you have the necessary items, just collect them for inventory and start the process again. Items created as part of Beascrafting may not be of the highest quality, but you can find some useful recipes here, such as creating a unique vial (flask). Also, the level of the item depends on the level at which the monster was captured-so more valuable items can only be created when the Atlas system is unlocked. For an easier and more efficient gaming experience, Buy POE Currency, which will be very helpful for your game progress....

The Path of Exile will receive its 3.9.2e update this week, which will improve the quality of life for players and fix some errors. Casually, we are getting closer and closer to 4.0 If there is one thing we can't blame is Grinding Gear Games, it is an exemplary follow-up to its slash "MMO" slash banishment path. The New Zealand studio is already preparing for the next update, which will please more people. This week, we prepared a new patch, made new improvements to the Path of Exile, and fixed some bugs. We plan to launch the 3.9.2e update in the next few days. In the meantime, you can view the release notes in this article. You can also Buy POE Currency on the website, which will greatly help your entire gaming experience. There is no longer any problem of getting stuck in the cages of the zoo or the railings that resist our fire, which will not cause any damage. Besides, GGG took this opportunity to bring us some small improvements on the quality of life of players. Spheres are now listed alphabetically when placed in public safety, and players will be notified when they have completed the wake target. It also includes other improvements related to Atlas. Well, the error message has been updated. Updated various error messages to indicate that projects with catalyst quality or new impact types cannot be split using Bestiary recipes. Thankfully, the client crash issue has been resolved. This crash usually occurs when a Frost Bomb is applied. The Path of Exile is available on PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One. At the same time, provides service support for all players on the Path of Exile. Buy POE Currency to support the orderly development of the Path of Exile.

The key to the end of the Path of Exile is the so-called map system. These maps are maps, each with its boss representing its play area. Unlike ad campaigns and their simple ten behaviors, you can play maps in an independent order. Maps are important for players to master the entire game. If you want a better gaming experience, you can Buy Path of Exile Currency at to assist you. To be able to enter a map, you must first use it as an item in your inventory. Go to the map device and activate it there, with six portals opening the corresponding game area. Each time you enter a map, one of these portals becomes unavailable. Once they are all used up, you can no longer access the corresponding area whether you have completed the operation or not. So when you need to use a portal role, think carefully, such as refilling potions or selling loot. You should also avoid death as much as possible. Making and improving maps You can use the production system to upgrade the map like a normal object. This allows various modifications to the card. These bonuses can be, for example, increased magic resistance or monster life. The heavier the modification, the more you will get more loot on the corresponding map. So your risk depends entirely on the strength of you and your character. Also note that even some modifications have been made to make certain character type maps unplayable. For example, reflected magic damage may mean that all heroes who rely primarily on elemental damage will end. World atlas Your progress in the map system is recorded on the atlas, which you can call using the "H" key or through the menu. Here you can see all the cards listed and how they are aligned with each other. If you are looking for an unfinished map, you should focus on the map that links to the desired destination on the atlas. For example, if you want to solve an atoll problem, you must graze in the port until you are satisfied with the falling luck. Once the mapping is complete, you can find it anywhere as long as the required project level is met. In the 3.9 patch, Atlas Endgame and the way you go to higher levels have been completely revised. We detail how to do this in this guide. Learn more about Raiders of the Path of Exile and the latest information, follow, and Buy POE Currency at the most affordable price....

Path of Exile is a hacking game, but different from other representatives of this trend. The most visible is the monetary system-based here on trade exchange, completely replacing gold, loans or other currencies. For more information on currencies, see Currency: POE Orbs and Trade. is a shop specializing in POE Currency trading on the Path of Exile, and will bring you all the information about unique recipes available to traders, or you can Buy POE Currency in our store. Transactions with merchants also serve different purpose-receiving items through a system called a seller's recipe system in the gaming environment. It includes the fact that players have a chance to exchange groups of items for a specific reward. For example, by offering an item with 6 lairs to a merchant, you will receive 7 jeweler orbs in return. With this mechanism, seemingly worthless items can be easily exchanged for valuable currency, which will come into play later in the game. There are many such rules in the game, including: Get 1x Portal Scroll-you will get 3x Wisdom Scroll in return. In the first minute of the game, it will be helpful because teleportation scrolls rarely fall off the enemy. Get 4x Scroll of Wisdom-By providing the merchant with the Orb of Alteration, Blacksmith's Whetstone, or Transfiguration Orb, you will get 4 scrolls to identify items. Get 1 Color Ball-If we provide a merchant with an item with 3 different colored sockets, which are connected, we will get 1 color ball. Increased Weapon Damage-By providing the dealer with any weapon, 1x Blacksmith's Whetstone and Antique Belt, we will get the same weapon with increased damage (increase in physical damage). The degree of damage depends on the quality of the country belt items. is committed to providing players with a variety of the latest exile road technologies, strategies, and techniques. At the same time, players can Buy POE Orbs at the most affordable price and the richest choices. We are worth your attention.