The basketball world saw another sensational trade this week when Kyrie Irving got his wish, to leave Cleveland for Boston, while Isaiah Thomas went the other way.
Irving issued a trade request earlier this summer, with reports that the point guard wanted to escape the giant shadow of LeBron James, to be the star of a team.
Many saw Cavs as getting a good deal. Irving may have asked to leave, but in Thomas new General Manager Koby Altman now has one of the NBA’s elite scoring point guards. Not a bad start to life in the hot seat.
But things could have been very different had Cleveland had its way. According to Marc J. Spears of The Undefeated, Altman put in a call to Cavs' biggest rival Golden State Warriors before completing the deal, inquiring about the possibility of trading Klay Thompson; there was no interest.
Related: LeBron James is Asked About New York Knicks Move, and Fails to Deny It
Thompson has heard the rumors, and says he is flattered but mainly reassured. “It's really cool. It shows the Warriors believe in me and these other teams want me to be a part of their success. So I appreciate it,” he told The Athletic.
“I've been in trade rumors forever. Everyone has. Except for maybe LeBron James, Steph [Curry]—well, even Steph early in his career.”
He added: “It's part of the business. It is flattering and I do appreciate it.”
Related: LeBron James Misunderstanding Led to Kyrie Irving’s Trade Request at Cavs
Meanwhile, as Cavs say goodbye to Irving, James has urged fans to do so in the right, respectable way. Replying to a video on Twitter of a fan thanking Irving, James wrote: “That’s the only way to be to the kid! Special talent/guy! Nothing but respect and what a ride it was our 3 years together.”
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Combat Sports
Should Leonard not be offered the supermax
by GboysLove
Should Leonard not be offered the supermax deal he wants, the Spurs are expected to trade him and a number of teams, including the Los Angeles Clippers, are understood to be already working on a trade package.
According to Brian Windhorst of ESPN, Leonard’s future will have major repercussions on what happens to LeBron.
“Where Kawhi ends up this season will have a direct impact on where LeBron ends up even if they don’t play together,” he told on SportsNation earlier this week.
“They will be linked in where their futures will be.”
The prospects of LeBron and Leonard both moving to the same team remain remote, so signing the former could put a franchise out of the running for the latter and vice versa.
However, Windhorst suggested the Sixers could potentially secure both players, a move which would dramatically alter the NBA landscape.
“I could construct you a way where [the Sixers] could trade for Kawhi Leonard and sign LeBron James,” he added.
Meanwhile, the Lakers have set their sights firmly on LeBron and Paul George but they could also be monitoring Leonard’s situation as they can clear out salary space for two max-level contracts this summer.
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August 12, 2012: James wins another
by GboysLove
August 12, 2012: James wins another Olympic gold medal by outlasting Spain, 107-100, in the finals at the London games. "We knew it wasn't going to be easy. We didn't want it easy," James says after the victory, via CBS. He joins Michael Jordan as the only other person to win the regular season MVP, NBA Finals MVP, an NBA Championship and Olympic gold in the same year.
March 29, 2013: The Heat look like they've figured it all out. They finally lose a game to the Chicago Bulls after winning 27 straight games, just six games away from a win-streak record set by the 1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers.
May 5, 2013: Another year, another NBA MVP. James wins his fourth, and second consecutive, regular-season honor.
LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers during Game 7 of the 2018 NBA Eastern Conference Finals against the Boston Celtics at Boston's TD Garden on May 27. Maddie Meyer/Getty Images
June 6-20, 2013: Another year, another title. But this one is far more dramatic than the victory over the Thunder the year prior. The Heat eke by the Spurs in seven games to repeat as champions. They would have been dead in the water were it not for last-second heroics from Ray Allen in Game 6. Down three points and facing elimination with just seconds left, James misses a three-pointer, but Bosh grabs the rebound and chucks it to backpedaling Allen, who sinks a three-pointer from the corner to tie it up. The Heat win in overtime and also take Game 7 to earn James his second ring.
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热血传奇 柔情依旧
by swedfrt
《传奇》是属于大部分70、80后的回忆,大部分90后去网吧的时候看见别人玩这个 热血传奇私服 游戏,根本看不懂在玩什么,一款优质的游戏是需要玩家亲自体验,玩家说好才是真的好,为什么刚刚开服热血传奇服务器就火爆而且热度只增不减,传奇还是那时候的传奇,意义有多不同。在零几年网络还不够发达,网络游戏还没有那么火爆,网络游戏还没有普及开来,传奇如同天上降魔主,一时间火爆大江南北,不仅因为其火热的玩法。能火遍大江南北,是因为当时的游戏环境,毕竟那时的游戏还好少,传奇游戏玩法单调,画质也并不清晰,但是依然可以如此火爆,是因为它开创了中国网游的新天地。《传奇》是从刚刚开始玩就是最简单的练级 传奇页游 开始,慢慢打怪升级,打怪拿拿装备,最公平的是所有的装备全靠打怪爆装备,一言不合,我开始PK模式,全靠自身战斗力和操作,那才叫开心畅快。《传奇》不仅只有战斗,像一个小社会,游戏的大部分都需要组队完成的,找到志同道合的队友和战斗力相当的队友必不可少,成为了战友,背后坚强的后盾,最重要的就是只要你给他发消息就会打完直接跑过来一起组队,那时是多么的激情澎湃激动人心。《传奇》是一个神奇的世界,它把大江南北的人们聚集在一起,在同一个世界里升级,他已不仅是个游戏,更是我们的青春与热血,它是我们的第二世界。
<img src=""alt=“传奇手游”>
传奇私服海外 游戏里的那些"江湖豪情",确实在我年少的时候是我的向往,现在已经长大成了家,并不在去追求这些虚幻的东西,但是每天工作的压力和生活压力的面前,耍一会传奇确实也让小编在里面得到了充分的释放现实生活中的压力,话说我们已不再年少,早已不是当年年轻气盛的模样,生活的奔波和努力早已磨平了菱角。但我们不能被生活打败。也需要适当的通过其他的方式去释放这样的压力。在1. 76版本里面,没有变态的装备,没有变态的怪物和其他副本,一切都是熟悉的模样,在这里面一切似乎又回到了当年高中的时代。千万不要以为年轻的时候玩 传奇类手游 不是一种青春,小编认为这是一种独特的青春,作为独生子女的我们,回家跟家人沟通有代沟,也正值叛逆期,没有同龄人走心的沟通,所以选择了游戏,在游戏里,不管你年龄是多少,都是平等的,甚至你可能发自己一直在游戏里的老大哥,居然比自己小很多岁,这些事情的发生在正常不过了。所以说现在还在耍热血传奇朋友就是玩的一种回忆,更是一种情怀。小编对这类游戏朋友是很看重,他们对自己的过去是很肯定的,至少大家坚持过。努力过,千万不要觉得玩游戏一定是颓废的。...
野兽传奇 成绩斐然
by tfgvbnhu
近期,中国游戏“出海”成绩斐然,在多项 传世手游 海外手游下载榜、收入榜上,有一家上海企业异军突起,接连推出两款手游在海外市场“霸榜”。2019年10月,莉莉丝游戏首次冲进中国游戏厂商“出海顶流圈”,2020年上半年成绩更加不俗,仅《剑与远征》韩语版今年2月份的总流水约为700万美元,下载量约为80万次。成立仅七年,2016年将视角转向海外市场,四年内凭借三款热门手游跻身国内一线手游发行商,莉莉丝的秘诀是什么?依托上海游戏产业集聚效应,坚持游戏精品化发展策略、品类进化理念,“蚂蚁雄兵”闯出一条“精耕细作、不挣快钱”的新路。近日,被视作游戏文化产业界“瞭望塔”的中国游戏产业研究院落地上海张江国家数字出版基地,进一步巩固上海作为中国 传奇3g 游戏产业高地的地位,推动上海的游戏产业进入更加健康、规范、有序、可持续发展的新阶段。“我们必将受益于此——扎根上海的游戏企业将能更全面地掌握产业发展态势,更敏锐地把握市场新动向”,正如公司副总裁胡睿所言,上海的“莉莉丝”们未来可期。莉莉丝游戏的第一款自研游戏《小冰冰传奇》,曾是中国累计销售收入最高的移动端游戏。2016年,公司转向海外游戏市场,主攻欧美和日韩地区,目前有两款手游位列“中国出海游戏收入榜”前十。其中,《万国觉醒》在去年12月进入日本市场,圣诞档期前夕即杀进iOS游戏榜三甲,目前在畅销榜上仍名列前茅。
在SensorTower的2019年出海 传奇战域 手游收入榜上,《万国觉醒》以4. 58亿美元(约人民币31. 43亿元)的全年预估收入高居第二。国产“爆款”游戏背后是持之以恒的“精品化”概念。胡睿告诉记者,手机游戏看似轻松简单,其实从研发到运营的每个环节都是针对“宅经济”特点精心设计的。比如《剑与远征》中,玩家无需“打卡式”上线,就可以在碎片化时间里获得更多快乐;游戏被设计为“竖屏模式”,更贴合玩家日常操作习惯;独特的玻璃彩绘风格,符合国际化审美等,每一环都不容疏失。中国游戏在海外市场“攻城略地”,不仅得益于近年来中国厂商的资金、技术等核心竞争力提升,更要归功于他们在全球发行领域扎实推进了本地化工作。在韩国市场的营销策略上sf999 的新手游采用了影视明星、电竞冠军代言的方式,收获颇丰。SensorTower数据显示,《剑与远征》韩语版今年2月总流水约为700万美元,下载量约80万次。“游戏进入全球化市场时需要以最大诚意尊重目标市场的独立性和特殊性,对其文化背景、价值观念、社会环境、习惯和语言等,进行精准本地化。”胡睿介绍,游戏不仅采用人格化社区运营,提供完善的用户服务,还激励海外玩家参与游戏美术二次创作,大幅增加用户粘性。尽管手捧多个“爆款”,但莉莉丝仍有着清醒的“冷思考”,要真正长久留住海外玩家,就必须不断创新玩法,提升游戏体验,与玩家缔结更深厚的情感纽带。....
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