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There are many quests at the end of the game that are locked by an Firemaking requirement, meaning if you are looking to OSRS Gold enjoy your game's full degree, you'll have at the very least meet these levels. Luckily for you it will only take about an hour as it is one of the fastest abilities to master in RuneScape.The complete list of quests that require Ranged requirements for level are as the following:

Lacking in number to other abilities, there are several quests to complete that award firemaking XP. These quests can be found in the following table. When they're due is entirely up to you, and isn't too important.

The exact location to burn the logs depends on how much effort you'd like. The most commonly used and most convenient is to do this by burning the logs at the Grand Exchange in Varrock. This allows easy access to additional logs when you get to the level above that, which happens rapidly in the beginning. A different method that you could employ that is more efficient could be to utilize the Varrock teleport , then burning logs using it into the bank at East Varrock. To go From level 1 up to level 15 Firemaking you will need to burn 60 logs. This will take less than five minutes. It is best to keep the logs noted within your inventory and utilize them with a banker instead of keeping logs in your bank . This will speed up the banking process by many game ticks.

Level 15-30: Oak Logs

Once you have reached the next level up from regular logsyou'll be burning oak logs. A good tip is to place your tinderbox centrally located in your inventory. This reduces the amount of distance that your mouse has to travel to light logs however , you do not have to perform this. The amount of XP available at this lower level are incredible, reaching rates of Buy RuneScape Gold between 69.00 per hour. That means moving from level 15 to 30 Firemaking would take just 185 logs. This will take approximately 8 minutes.
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