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Topic: RSorder OSRS Gold


From the OSRS and pathofexile subreddit I frequent not every small question has asked in the megathread, some people continue to create their own threads requesting them, and over the years I have barely ever noticed anyone even mention that, they simply reply it as normal. No demand for every question to be diverted to it, although not everyone that has a question would like to create their own thread. It's that the issue that is downvote, maybe they think it does not warrant you, not certain where a lot of them endure but I've read about a few reasons. My train of thought is that if a new participant sees a megathread that is stickied they feel welcome since there's a place created to do so, to ask stuff. I see it as the distinction between somebody welcoming you vs welcoming you. The time I have had playing with Runescape Tried to do a duo at corp for a few hours last night and got our kill taken every moment. People might wait using a zest until corps stats drain to zero then run in with two accounts, one with transfer and one smacking it with a crystal halberd. We attempted using the portal, but the 200k feels just like a punishment for trying to play Runescape legit as well as it significantly slowed our kill time because we needed to wait for each other to enter in as not to eliminate the instance. I know this was a problem for a very long time, but when we don't keep reminding the Jmods which it is a problem nothing will ever get done. I hope this doesn't come off as whiny. It felt quite demoralizing seeing people despair for hours on end without any repercussions. Are being farmed by poisonous individuals that are too lazy to put at work for a kill. This is the most helpless I've ever felt playing with OSRS. As somebody who's been crashed in a way that was similar lately, I've discovered a way to frighten the crashers is to utilize a tele-other spell. They must have in order to receive move that is spec gained on help, so they can be interrupted by you with the tele-other instant and possibly even have them killed if corp has not been deprived of magic accuracy. It is the unfortunate truth. If you are in a duo attempt to drain his stats only enough to ensure your buddy and you can just eliminate a kill. This way when some retard tries to crash you can step out of this space and theyll get completely stomped out from the corp monster even with his moves. If you get crashed by a team of two or more it is tough luck, but the attractiveness of the method that is above is your spec time cuts down to 1 second or less so you can hop and it's hardly any time lost. I have had some real great pleasure watching crashers become lit the fuck up by corp and have to tele out since they are bad at Runescape. Yeah, I guess you are right. We could take back a few kills from them, some of these came and spec transferred me instead of the dude which was hilarious lol. Yeah this shit stinks but wtf do you anticipate jagex to perform? Crashing is part of Runescape and frankly was. If you want to know more information about OSRS Gold , please lock on

Redirecting OSRS players into the correct subreddit. The solution will be to make a principle or bot (like the"Ninja Request" one) that shows folks the other Subreddit accessible for them to make the question. However, users create a fantastic job by diverting those people there, and there's the Subreddit connection on the banner, under Partner Subreddits, there. But they are still downvoted by them. The Downvotes here, and the pestering users are like the ISR, there is no escaping. You cannot comment anything remotely constructive since they're already biting at your ankle. From the OSRS and pathofexile subreddit I frequent not every small question has asked in the megathread, some people continue to create their own threads requesting them, and over the years I have barely ever noticed anyone even mention that, they simply reply it as normal. No demand for every question to be diverted to it, although not everyone that has a question would like to create their own thread. It's that the issue that is downvote, maybe they think it does not warrant you, not certain where a lot of them endure but I've read about a few reasons. My train of thought is that if a new participant sees a megathread that is stickied they feel welcome since there's a place created to do so, to ask stuff. I see it as the distinction between somebody welcoming you vs welcoming you. The time I have had playing with Runescape Tried to do a duo at corp for a few hours last night and got our kill taken every moment. People might wait using a zest until corps stats drain to zero then run in with two accounts, one with transfer and one smacking it with a crystal halberd. We attempted using the portal, but the 200k feels just like a punishment for trying to play Runescape legit as well as it significantly slowed our kill time because we needed to wait for each other to enter in as not to eliminate the instance. I know this was a problem for a very long time, but when we don't keep reminding the Jmods which it is a problem nothing will ever get done. I hope this doesn't come off as whiny. It felt quite demoralizing seeing people despair for hours on end without any repercussions. Are being farmed by poisonous individuals that are too lazy to put at work for a kill. This is the most helpless I've ever felt playing with OSRS. As somebody who's been crashed in a way that was similar lately, I've discovered a way to frighten the crashers is to utilize a tele-other spell. They must have in order to receive move that is spec gained on help, so they can be interrupted by you with the tele-other instant and possibly even have them killed if corp has not been deprived of magic accuracy. It is the unfortunate truth. If you are in a duo attempt to drain his stats only enough to ensure your buddy and you can just eliminate a kill. This way when some retard tries to crash you can step out of this space and theyll get completely stomped out from the corp monster even with his moves. If you want to know more information about OSRS Gold , please lock on

The first question about frequently do I play this sport, there should be an option of,"I am currently taking a rest." Which is fine. My main issue is that I suck at this game. I'm 1600 total but I am not overly efficient or combat focused so I have not OSRS Gold bossed or completed master quests. So it did not give me an choice to say I really don't know when it came to those questions. So I set neutral which I think throws off the integrity of the answer. Also when you're talking about Jagex that I had no idea how to answer those questions. I really don't know anything about Jagex out the OSRS team which I believe is a comparatively small part of your company. In addition, I wish I understood anything regarding your parent company MacArthur. They are a ghost at the World Wide Web. What's more, the only think I truly do know is that Jagex has pretty much given up on every match they have ever tried to earn outside of RuneScape. What the flying fuck did they do with MechScape/Stellar Dawn. Next was the question about prioritizing what I think you should come out having to maintain me as a paying member. There was no option for updating skills or saying I don't want you to concentrate on a few of those options in any way. Eventually for the query,"what would you think about customer support?" An alternative should be,"What customer support?" With the direction this poll is attempting to drag people's opinions, I am very, very, very afraid. Repeatable quests, HD customers, once again hoping to push new abilities, etc.. No place to describe answers that need circumstance, such as satisfaction with Jagex's (non-existant) customer service or how much trust we place in them. Questions regarding how polling content functions specifically is frightening, provided Jagex's recent penchant for only forcing content that has failed multiple polls through as ethics upgrades. Not to mention: Asking for people's favorite games, place of residence, employment status, and even their contact number is extremely inappropriate for this type of survey. Looks nakedly enjoy an attempt for gathering marketing data for sale. Editing this in now that I consider it more: The more I consider the phone number bit, the slimier it seems to be honest. We all know fully damn well that Jagex is not going to call anybody who answers this survey. Leading people to provide their personal information into a poll under the guise of"Wow you're so smart, maybe we will call you to your opinions on forthcoming stuff!" Is absolutely disgusting, and if anything else, I did not react intense enough. The main answer I gave in this survey I wish to get around: The last decision on any content ought to be made with BOTH the community AND Jagex working together to generate content that is really worth adding to Runescape. Players have proven they'll vote yes OSRS Buy Gold to some fairly absurd shit (Watch the Tome debacle) at which Jagex needs to intervene and understand that asking was a mistake, even while Jagex has also demonstrated that when they forge ahead in their own it doesn't work out well for us either. Trying to frame this question since an either/or is leaving out a massive amount of nuance in the issue, which is something which applies to numerous issues discussed in the poll....

The real OSRS Gold with phishing posts may also be the spam that the sub will eventually get, phishing emails have been sent in a wave to different mails of potential players, let's say like 10 percent of these have a reddit accounts, they are going to want to warn everyone else from their attempt and so there will be several posts looking the same, all of which may be oblivious it's been submitted before. It can eventually find tedious. Which then can lead others to ignore a legit clueless player who's asking whether it is real or not, that's why I suggested an automated response of some type, at least a little warning to take care or something like this. Additionally thanks for clarifying the email to forward phishing mails has become over, I understood of this forum thread, although not the fact that they stopped the email. I am unsure that sums up the planned message. My previous remark explains why these two changes haven't been made together with some related information. The first being that Runescape is for the RuneScape community as a whole (not only RS3), and the second being that automatic filtering for this kind of post was attempted and found not to be possible to accurately accomplish. We're open to suggestions that could be possible to implement without detracting from the purpose of this subreddit and its own community. I mean, yeah your previous remark lays out just why the communities suggestions, in your opinion, are inferior to the machine you have in place currently. If anything the view represented by the OP are more in line with this'vision' of the subreddit (needing to include the two RS3 and OSRS (that in itself is silly being they've seperate content, dev teams etc. but like my opinion man)) by stating your articles has a house here but when its regarding anything in specificity to go elsewhere, very similar to the way the Reddit FC is/was operate. So rather than tuning ity'all yanked on it? Tell me how your staff believes your system isn't fine in comparison with community ideas. Let's have a thought experiment while I've got your time. Rather than asking a community of 234,037 individuals and having a bot hit your inbox close instantly together:"If you believe you have received a phishing attempt please verify sender address (instance ), domain (example), here are the usual examples (hyperlink ). In case you have gotten an effort please report it (helpful navigation for forum Buy RS3 Gold If you want to know more information about OSRS Gold , please lock on

The majority of consumers view the subreddits as being separate anyway ( runescape = RS3 and 2007 runescape = OSRS), so this is not something we've had to tackle prominently since the volume of OSRS-related submissions this is minimal. One complication with post filtering is it can not be assumed users will always utilize criteria in a place that will trip a filter as it isn't necessarily the case. AutoModerator filters based on particular criteria, so building a precise list that's only specific to everything you are attempting to catch is not always possible. Some users understand the way to intentionally bypass filters, making them useless, and if we make a filter too broad, more posts are filtered than warranted. This creates more frustration for consumers and much more work for us while we'd prefer to prevent over-moderating. We may look into attempting to revive a filter to get phishing email questions, but that's a thing for us to discuss in private amongst the mod group. The previous filter was unable to accomplish what was wanted at the time, so it had been disabled for the time being. These articles do share an overlap with other filters within our subreddit, so a number of them are eliminated for different reasons. We do not wish to be in the spotlight for driving community conversation. While a few other subreddits may have an extremely visible mod existence, that is not something we're considering. If we have an important message to get across, that is one thing, but mod articles from us are very infrequent. In a nutshell, we believe the subreddit ought to be the community's voice, not the community's voice directed by subreddit mods. I really don't think anyone in any capacity anticipates a plug and play solution nor expects anybody in the mod team to break their back for no pay. Filters require maintenance to correctly function, take spam filters for e-mail; that's decades of effort to make sure the Nigerian prince doesn't make it to your own inbox and hell occasionally it still doesn't work, sometimes my 2FA winds up in spam, but we still don't delete a spam filter. I just wish to clarify that I'm not talking you at some presser or some thing simply having a dialog. I believe this just strengthens not only the argument for getting an Automod notify potential new posters of this'gentleman's agreement', or even formally separating them. You have a virtual'desire path' going on where your community has made a decision to segregate the material, do not you think you need to listen to them? These are all growing pains and nothing else that can not be sorted out over time, its one thing to state that no one gets the drive or ability to maintain a filter right now but don't make it outside to be an impossible effort. I also feel like I am in a soviet court house and the bailiff was told to shoot the man who jaywalked, bro you do not need to delete OSRS or phishing posts in this case simply have automod comment on it with information pointing folks in the ideal direction. If you want to know more information about OSRS Gold , please lock on