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Topic: NBA 2K

leonardo Fioravante

Basketball is a 5v5 game, and while you can master your ball handling and shooting timing, you can dominate the offensive in isolation. First of all, you should know that normal chest passages (X on PS4 / A on Xbox One NBA 2K21 MT will be your companion. Fortunately, NBA 2K21 fixes the system and gives you almost complete control over the standard passing. If you tap X / A and move the left stick in the desired direction, the ball will be passed to your next teammate. If you hold down X / A and aim at the pass, try a longer pass. This mechanism also works with bounce passes (O on PS4 / B on Xbox One) and overhead passes (Triangle on PS4 / Y on Xbox One). There are three moves to make the most of the passing game: Receiver control: With the new receiver control, you can take control of a player without a ball for the first time in the series. Hold O / B to control a nearby player. From there, you can move them wherever you want to get the pass. We have had great success creating open three-point looks and simple layups. As soon as you let go of O / B, the ball will be directed to your designated spot. Leading to the Basket: Leading to overtaking the basket doesn't seem that important as the receiver controls allow you, but an important difference is that you can move with the ball while leading a teammate into the basket. Anyway if you have enough 2K21 MT, a player with great skill will help you. Press and hold Triangle / Y to send a player to the hoop in the suit. Clear the pass before entering the restricted area. Releasing it later will cause the pass to be thrown under or even over the ring, limiting access to a simple layup. Give and let go: Effectively when your original ball handler ends at the rim Give and go should certainly be in your 2K19 Passing Toolkit. Press and hold X / A. After your teammate catches the pass, press and hold X / A as you swipe the tape. Release to get the pass back and exit. Release X / A again shortly before entering the restricted area to ensure a good appearance....
Topics: NBA 2K21, NBA, NBA 2K