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Topic: buy Kamas Dofus Retro


Ultimately, we also wish to Kamas Dofus Retro help players get better use out of the multi-element approach, which should allow them to put together much more varied Sacrier builds than before so they can surprise both allies and opponents alike. In addition, we expect that all these changes will allow Sacriers to find a spot for themselves in PvM, especially at higher and very substantial rates, where they're currently having problems. The issue with the current Suffering system is that it restricts Sacriers to a single function that's chosen at the start of battle and can't be changed for the rest of the fight, which restricts the amount of spells which can be utilized. This leads to monotony and a lack of depth. While the first intention was to allow Sacriers to transition from Positive Suffering to Negative Suffering to adapt to the situation, people have wound up needing to play just at maximum Suffering in order to get the best bonuses, whether Positive or negative (but we will not lie, it's actually almost entirely Negative Suffering, particularly in PvP). The solution we came up with to cheap Dofus Kamas create the Suffering system more flexible and interesting to use would be to make Suffering directly dependent on Sacriers' Vitality. Each assortment of Vitality values corresponds to a certain degree of fretting: for example, a Sacrier who's between 50 percent and 40 percent of their maximum Vitality will probably be at Suffering 6. Thus, Suffering can no longer be negative, and fluctuates between 0 and 10, with each amount of Suffering providing ever-greater bonuses on closing damage inflicted and ever-greater decrease of closing damage obtained....