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When pre-registrations are open on the official site, Dofus Kamas players will need to select their alignment: Bontarian or even Brakmarien. The same goes when they're open for almost any personality created directly on the servers. It's also possible to allow the system choose for you, it is going to seek to balance the camps and the camp considered minority will be associated with by you. You will have the ability to profit from a bonus in Dofus game should you utilize this way. The character of this bonus is not understood.

Dofus gamers won't be able to play with those at the lineup, therefore the choice will be crucial and you will need to play Dofus players in your lineup only. The assaults will rage throughout the Planet of Twelve, just like on the Heroic server, it'll be possible to strike any Dofus player crossing your path, with a few differences: this Dofus player has to be of the opposite alignment to yours and obviously, the aggressions won't be possible in Neutral zone (Astrub and its environment by way of example) as well as on the maps of Zaaps. These attacks will slow down the progress of those Dofus players, and thus slow down the Dofus Kamas harvest of the opposing city.

The passing will not be final and should you lose your fight against a Dofus player of the opposite alignment, you will discover yourself in the prison of their opposite city. You will have options to escape the prison: ask your classmates by storming the city that is opposite to come and help you, or rely on the potatoes , wait wisely and pay a deposit. Each camp will have a jackpot which Dofus gamers might have to fuel by participating in the war attempt. The camp with the largest amount of buy dofus kamas echo within their kitty in the close of the event will win the season of Temporis along with the affiliated exclusive awards.
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