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Lost Ark is officially available to Lost Ark Gold gamers across the Western world. And with it becoming free to play this weekend, there are many character choices to think about before taking a plunge into the game.

With five classes The game doesn't seem to seem particularly complicated on the surface. However, each class contains between two and four sub-classes called"Advanced Class. "Advanced Class."

The most common classes are broad and more general. You could be a Assassin Mage, Gunner Martial Artist, Warrior.

Assassins make use of demonic powers to take down their enemies using quick-moving blades that can be used in melee combat.

The class has only two advanced options: Shadowhunter and Deathblade.

Shadowhunters are able to transform into demons themselves, which gives them increased health, speed and power.

Lost Ark is the latest MMO to cheap Lost Ark Gold
break onto the gaming scene with thousands of players taking part in the thrilling new game. The game officially releases on February. 11, but players are already enjoying it with early access.
Topics: Lost Ark Gold
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