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Correct me if I am incorrect, but in other The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold games do not you stack your bonuses and attributes into your main rThe Elder Scrolls Bladesurce pool? Max mag-stronger wards and damaging spells? More health/armor-more dmg u can take significance if you're magic predicated you wear light weight cloth robes and hoods, melee based builds like thieves/rogues/rangers/mauaders/archers benefit in the healing, endurance,stealth passives out of moderate. If you are the defender/fortress/juggernaut/tank setup you operate Heath and heavy armor stacking armor evaluation and empowimg your enemy stat debuff effect, and solidifying your blocking/bashing skill holding enemy attention shooting as much of negative effects and consuming all you can of your group's harm.

By placing everything into maximum 10, higher dps is accomplished. Healing abilities gain from high attack power and max rThe Elder Scrolls Bladesurces. Secondly: do not you get better rated materials towards end game, and the higher quality materials? Just like you bought chests with low char lv and got crap quality armor and weapons that is only great because of its deconstruction so you can use materials to level your crafting trees. Enabling you equip to use, and update more superior graded materials. At start and you receive weak ordinary (mats) materials like hide and steel and maple but as you progress the leveling be and train crafting skill outlines and you unlock passives and since the characters overall amount gets higher you begin to find the higher quality enchantments, ingredients and improved gear made with stronger materials raising the defense, enchantment electricity or it's defensive blessings it received.

Rubedo leathers are superior quality although rawhide, demanding leather amd shadowhide is mediocre. See with iron, steel, copper, dwarven ingots becoming lower. Dragon scale would be the best alloy matetals for weapons and armors while rubidite ingots daedric. Upgrading higher rated weapons and armor not only boosts the strength but also the durability, grants enchantment slots, and passives only aquired through levels attained from product upgrades. Stacked max + magic intellect and charisma or stacked max + endurance endurance and fortune or bastion of defense using a impregnable armor score granting team blessings while also ESO Blades Items exposing enemy weak points and lowering increases your usefulness in conflict.
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