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Gems do drop from ESO Blades Gold monster and they arrive in chests also, but the slow grind gets old after a while even after paying to get a couple gems for ahead. Apparently some of those weapons come in chests as I have not seen it myself but I have gotten some good ones I couldn't craft/enchant yet. It would be nice if it was lopsided in favor of paying jewels especially once you do and they don't get you that much further. They didn't help much except to relieve my own impatience although not whale levels here, I got a packages that were little. It's still a ton of mindnumbingly boring abyss runs. A game that is gorgeous! Work is needed by the stone item.

It's definitely not a marathon match with all the timers/cash-skips but I've had a good time and haven't paid for a single thing. If you're hoping to be able to pick this up and play for hours on end, then you'll have to pay. Should you play with it the timers aren't really that big of a deal. You'll have a whole bunch of goodies to your next play session.

All that said, The Elder Scrolls Blades Boosting will find waaaaay to timers with cash-skips. Even POTIONS contains them. It is unnecessary for them to be embedded in everything. The chests I can understand, but crafting and constructing actually leaves a sour taste. 10 minutes to craft a few premium currency, or 1 potion to bypass that ten seconds. When you are crafting 15+potions since they are not that strong, it's just too timers.
Topics: ESO Blades Gold
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