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Is it safe to install PVC Vinyl siding ? A green building expert reported that although vinyl may be a hazardous material, there are few reliable studies on the effects of vinyl siding on human health. "The impact is more in the manufacturing and disposal of [vinyl or PVC products]," Greg Kaplan said.

The Environmental Protection Agency and other health organizations have recorded that vinyl contains known carcinogens (dioxin) and various hormone disruptors. In addition, lead is a toxic metal that is often used as a stabilizer in the production of vinyl siding products.

What is vinyl?
Vinyl is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is a plastic resin known to cause cancer. However, vinyl has become the most popular siding material in the United States. PVC vinyl became popular in the 1960s and became more and more popular when other plastics containing PCBs, CFCs and chlorinated solvents were finally banned. According to Greenpeace, PVC vinyl is one of the main sources of dioxins in the world.

Benefits of using vinyl siding
Vinyl siding is inexpensive and can be installed on top of wooden partitions or cedar shingles. Vinyl siding does not need to be dyed, painted or sealed, but it usually needs to be cleaned at least once a year. It is easy to use, comes in a variety of colors, and can imitate wooden architecture and style.

The dangers of vinyl siding
"Your biggest worry is whether the house is on fire. Even the ashes are dangerous," Kaplan said. Even a small house fire that affects vinyl siding can cause the release of large amounts of toxic chemicals known to severely damage lung and kidney tissue. He added that the adhesive in vinyl siding is also affected by ultraviolet light and oxidation. "We have seen this in all kinds of plastics," he said.

In 2006, during Hurricane Katrina, evacuees placed in FEMA trailers were affected by diseases. High temperature and severe weather may have played a role in numerous reports. Most (if not all) trailers are vinyl-faced.

People who work in vinyl manufacturing plants or live nearby face the greatest health risks, as are cancer, nervous system damage, birth defects, and lung and kidney disease.

Vinyl is the most dangerous in the manufacturing and disposal process. When vinyl materials in landfills decompose, dioxins and other toxins are released, posing a threat to groundwater.

Alternatives to vinyl siding
Okay, so you are worried that vinyl siding may be harmful to your health, but still don't want to paint your house. Consult a panel installation expert for green alternatives, including:

Aluminum siding has similar advantages to vinyl siding. You can find recycled aluminum siding products more often. The disadvantage is that aluminum is recessed and difficult to use in terms of structure.

Steel or enameled steel siding is very strong. It is also available in pre-painted form. However, the cost of steel siding is higher.

Shingles arborescens is an economical salvage product, ideal for people who want a natural appearance. "After all, nature allows them to cover a tree for 100 years," Kaplan said.

Cement siding looks similar to partitions and can also be pre-painted. Durable and resistant to rot, pests, mold and fire, the price is moderate.

In our Haichuang, we also have products such as WPC wall cladding , if you need it, you can contact us directly.
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