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As a community, we need to ask these questions of our JMods for the interest of the future of RuneScape most of us love. We need to request transparency on those issues and determine if they've determined on RS gold management, whether they've a design philosophy and if there is anyone who ensures that suggested content updates stays consistent with these aims. It seems that recently we've seen a wandering apart from JMod decisions and player opinion although our JMods have been very forthcoming in relation. It is my hope that this article can bring the JMods and the playerbase closer to achieve the original vision of community driven content we believed in when Oldschool Runescape first introduced. If any JMods would like to talk about this further, I'd welcome the chance to do so.What I get out of This runescape game

It has been mentioned a million times before and I'll say it again, you never really quit Runescape, you take long breaks. The allure for the most part is nostalgia I think, and the ease of everything. As somebody who doesn't participate at all in PvP and in PvM (mostly into skilling and questing) that there is actuallyn't a reason. Maxing out even one skill in OSRS is a grind, and there are a lot of skills, a lot simpler to level than many others. Among the greatest features of the OSRS and RS3 is the quests, I have often heard it stated that no additional MMO does questing quite like Runescape. And the two versions of RuneScape have their value.

While I do not really like how intense the grind to level up is, in precisely the same time I feel like it is due to the mill once I get there, I get that feeling of accomplishment. I Wish there was more of a pay off for spending that time leveling skills to their maximum. OSRS does not do the whole"attempt = reward" aspect very nicely. This version of Runescape is optimized for group vs play. A good deal of aspects of RuneScape's group content is content that is outdated or dead and because most players choose to play solo these days anyways it has gotten worse. RuneScape does not actually feel cluttered, but it also feels like it doesn't have any clear direction with its content upgrades, a little bit of everything here and there. The community of OSRS tends to be poisonous, which can take away from a lot of the fun of playing RuneScape, it causes you to question not or if you should stick with it. No micro-transactions except which that helps I think.

Less of a grind for certain, but in addition, it loses that sense of accomplishment for when you eventually acquire a level. This variant also has a solid sense of in-game progression and you never truly run out of cheap RuneScape gold things. It's RuneScape that has been optimized about playing alone if you need, but if you would like to join a group you can do this to. RS3 feels like it has more direction than OSRS, but in addition, it feels more cluttered with cosmetics and material in general, I suppose that's bound to occur with RuneScape nearly 20 years old, but still. The community of rS3 isn't really poisonous they keep to themselves. There are a lot of micro-transactions in RuneScape that may be somewhat off putting and really adds to the mess.
Topics: OSRS gold
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