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I accidentally left Animal Crossing: New Horizons for a month, which is the longest record I have not collected ringtones and errors since the game was released in late March. After returning to heaven on the island, I found it full of bugs that I strongly despised. My daydream to escape reality is now my personalized nightmare. This is indeed the first time I have faced such a bad situation. I Buy Nook Miles Tickets at ACBellsBuy to decorate my island, but now, all this is ruined.

From the start of the wedding to the beginning of the swimming, I have never been to a place that was once a tropical reserve. I logged in once in mid-June to view my island but did not spend any time digging fossils on my island, picking weeds, or registering with my villagers. However, compared to the flood of small animals I face now every time I log on to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the disappointment of my villagers in my absence is of no avail, and my island is now a bug.

Creepy reptiles flooded in and were unique to islands in the northern hemisphere-the southern hemisphere did not find any new bugs in July, and I think their absence was lucky. There are cicadas, beetles, and mosquitoes everywhere-rattling on the tree, crawling on the ground, walking with me, tasting my sweet, sweet blood.

Now, there are 13 different beetles distributed on the islands in the northern hemisphere, some of them (such as Miyama deer or Cyclommatus deer) have huge pliers that will gradually bend when you approach. If that is not enough to make your skin crawl, there will be canes and leaves disguised as sticks and leaves.

Mosquitoes have obviously been around since June, but until recently I managed to avoid bleeding bastards. I shook the tree and was swarmed at the same time, bitten by a lone mosquito hovering near my head. disgusting.

Apart from chatting with someone at an outdoor party, their eyes are removed from your eyes, staring, and wandering somewhere near one of your ears, nothing scares me more than this-this It's a sign that a bug is flying around your head. Now you can understand why I considered burning my entire island to the ground, and hope that the smoke will clear the cicada shell as soon as it sees it. Maybe I should go to to Buy Animal Crossing Bells, maybe this can help me quickly save my island.
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