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This year, Madden 21's goal is to "provide full control of players on both sides of the ball." How exactly will it be done? Glad you asked!

Although the release of Madden NFL is an annual event, the EA Sports team always hopes to improve the previous version by improving MUT Coins and stricter controls. Their success has been almost always debated, but since last year’s game was one of the best Madden versions in recent memory, everyone’s attention is focused on Madden 21 and its release on August 28.

This year, Madden 21's goal is to "provide full control of players on both sides of the ball." How exactly will it be done? Glad you asked.

Madden 21's changes started from the scrimmage line, focusing mainly on the defensive line and passing position. The Pass rusher control will use the correct joystick and trigger to allow players to dynamically control the actions they want the player to take at the exact moment. The trainer on the screen will show which moves are being performed and whether they are successful, and indicate whether they are executed on time, late or early.

The hope of the new hurdle control is that it will allow the addition of a layer of skills and strategies to make rushing hurdle games interesting and challenging for all players, not just a good place for novices.

The control of the offensive end of the ball is also undergoing "overhaul". The right lever is the main tool used by the player to control the defender. When avoiding defenders in open areas, chuckles, spins, and intermittent steps seem to highlight the actions available to players, all of which can be linked together to create a prominent runner-type run. This year also added new dead leg and sidebar movements, and added tracks for each runner.

The new animation will allow defenders to better position themselves to prevent this year's running. Unlike the past few years where the defender will launch at full speed and tackle at a terrible angle, the defender now prepares Buy Madden 21 Coins for impact, which can provide a more realistic feeling when the coverage is broken and provide the defender with Provides a better opportunity to stop the ball carrier while preventing damaged tackles. Of course, time is everything, so a poorly scheduled tackle (or a mismatched player) will still give the ball player a chance to get rid of the tackle.
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