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Like most other things in the game world, the continued development of the path of exile has also been affected by the coronavirus and may cause delays in its next expansion. Nevertheless, this does not affect the popularity of POE Currency in the game.

In the past few years, "Path of Exile" has established a stable release schedule due to its frequent updates and expansions. The update of the Path of Exile takes unexpected circumstances and force majeure factors in case of any form of delay. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic can certainly meet both of these conditions. Although it is still expected that the 3.11 expansion will be released in June, it may ultimately be impossible to determine the expected release date.

Let’s take a look at Monday’s statement on the path of exile (developer’s statement):

Many of you already know that we have completed 8 of the 13 development cycles from home, which wastes a lot of time in face-to-face and teamwork. Our team works hard to quickly adapt to the new working paradigm, but there are some difficulties in working in this way, which slows down development. Therefore, we have internally postponed the release of the extension from the original release date by one week.

It is very important for us that we will release high-quality extensions in June. If we feel that we need to add another one to two weeks, then we will spend some time to do so. Despite our efforts to achieve this goal within the normal 13-week schedule, development has indeed not been as usual in the past few months.

We currently plan to announce the 3.11 expansion at 2 pm on June 2 approximately two weeks from now. This means that we are working hard to set the PC release date to June 19 and the console release date to June 24. However, it is very important to note that this release is likely to be further delayed compared to any expansion in the past.

The prevalence of coronavirus makes it difficult to accurately predict the specific release date of the alliance, and there is a possibility of a week delay. Grinding Gear pointed out that, given the current state of the world and the latest news in all industries, the release is as transparent as possible. Although they did not mention anything in "Path of Exile 2", it is reasonable to believe that the development of the sequel to "Dungeon" has also been greatly impacted. We will report all new information.

"Path of Exile" 3.11 expansion is not yet clear. It is tentatively scheduled for release on June 19. At the same time, "Path of Exile: Delusion" has a strong momentum on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is reassuring that the trend of POE Trade On PS4 will not be affected.
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