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Best Spell Skills For Level 100 Crystal Mage Build

- Glenstone Pebble: It's very mana efficient, you don't need it all the time but sometimes you need to pick off some weaker enemies and using 7fp to do it instead of 12 or 15 or 19. It's just a good way to Elden Ring Items conserve fp, as your mind gets higher and higher this will become less of an issue but it's good to have at this point in the game.

- Swift Glenstone Shard: It casts faster has very short range and as a pure mage, stay as far away from enemies as possible.

- Great Glenstone Shard: This was buffed in 1.03 and making the speed of it faster and the distance further which was a big improvement because it was almost unusable the way it was.

- Comet: It’s like the king of these sort of projectile spells, it's why we need 52 intelligence in order to use this spell, it deals very good damage, has a very good range and you can charge it for even further range and to make it deal more damage and pierce enemies. However, it's not extremely mana efficient, so you only want to use it when you need to shell out a lot of damage in a hurry or when you're trying to pick something off, that's kind of far away glenstone pebble, just won't cut it.

- Glinstone Cometshard: It is much more fp efficient than comet. The damage between Glinstone Cometshard and great Glindstone shard is similar, it's a little bit more for Glinstone Comet Shard.

- Terra Magica: It's not something you'll use very often, you'll use it probably most in co-op situations or where you're setting yourself up to go through a boss fight or maybe an area where you have to range down a lot of enemies in a particular time. But it does have its uses and it increases your magic damage by 35% for 30 seconds.

- Shattering Crystal: This is sort of the shotgun spell, it hits in a big aoe in front of you, it's really good against big enemies and it's good in groups too like if you're trying to range down a group of enemies has quite a good spread, so it's a good aoe ability and you don't have too many aoe spells with this build. So you'll definitely want to use this when you're aoe.

- Crystal Torrent: Crystal torrent is your channel ability that just shreds, it works really well in co-op situations or situations where you have time to prepare before a boss like out on the field, or maybe right when you walk through a boss fog while it's walking toward you.

- Rock Sling: This is our one physical damage spell, it's great for situations where something is magic resistant and it also does very good stagger damage. So if you have an enemy that you can lock onto the head of this will knock them down very quickly like dragons or something like that, or a golem if you can lock onto their ankles that's their weak spot it'll knock them down. So make sure when you know that you can lock on to like a head or a weak spot of an enemy that you're using this ability to knock things down.

- Roiling Magma: It is a fire spell that flings a projectile that deals decent fire damage. It's really for bosses that are magic resistant, you don't want to get into a boss fight and just be completely useless, so you're going to use this against the er tree type enemies. One particular interesting thing about this is if you hit the ground instead of the target, it'll put like a projectile thing down there that like times and then explodes and puts magma all over the ground and enemies seem to be lured towards it. So when you're using it, generally it's not can't always be helped, but you want to best site to buy elden ring items try and aim for the grout if you can.
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