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8. Raising Ship Rank
Starting with a basic Dhow, you'll soon discover blueprints for Skull and Bones Items stronger, specialized ships. Ship rank, akin to gear score, can be increased to a maximum of five. Equip better weapons, hulls, and furniture to improve your rank and tackle tougher enemies.

9. Specializing in Ships
As you progress, unlock various weapons and ship types to create specialized builds. For instance, the Padewakang excels with explosive hits, ideal for Bombard and Mortar weapons, while the Hullbreaker Brigantine enhances ramming damage, suitable for Demi-Cannons. Experiment to find the best combinations for your playstyle.

10. No Furniture Stacking
You can only equip one of Skull and bones items for sale online each piece of furniture, preventing stacking for increased bonuses. However, different pieces with similar benefits can stack their effects. Strategically choose your furniture to maximize its impact.
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