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Filter pipette tips come in a wide range of volumes to accommodate various needs in the laboratory. Here's a detailed breakdown:
Volume Capacity
Microvolume tips (10 µl to 200 µl): These are ideal for transferring small and precise amounts of liquids, commonly used in applications like PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or working with delicate biological samples.
Mid-volume tips (200 µl to 1000 µl): This range is suitable for general-purpose pipetting tasks, handling routine cell culture work, or transferring larger volumes of reagents.
Milliliter tips (1000 µl to 1250 µl): These tips handle larger volumes, useful for dispensing buffers, preparing solutions, or working with bigger samples.
Choosing the Right Volume
Match the tip to your pipette: Each pipette has a specific volume range it can accurately dispense. Ensure the filter tip capacity falls within that range for optimal performance.
Consider the volume you need to transfer: Select a tip size that comfortably holds the desired liquid amount. Don't overload the tip to avoid spillage or inaccurate measurements.
Account for waste: During pipetting, a small amount of liquid remains in the tip. Factor this in when choosing the volume. For example, if you need to transfer 100 µl precisely, a 100 µl tip might not suffice. A 200 µl tip would allow for some residual volume and ensure accurate delivery of 100 µl.

Using the correct size filter tip promotes accurate pipetting and reduces errors. Consult your pipette manual or manufacturer's recommendations for compatible filter tip types and volumes. And there is more information that we will provide you such as: Are Filter Pipette Tips Compatible With My Specific Pipette(
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